Syringe Pump
Syringe Pump
- Product Name: Syringe Pump
- Product Number: OSP-500
Kondisi Barang Ready STOCK !!!
Harga Syringe Pump Dilengkapi dengan Remote Rp. 15.400.000,-
Product Details
- 4.3'' Large segment LCD screen.
- With backlight, can be used in various lighting conditions.
- Time display.
- Simultaneous display: Time, Battery, Injection State, Mode, Speed, Injection volume and time, Syringe Size, Alarm sound, Block, Accuracy, Body weight, Durg dose and liquid amount
- Remote control function, can adjust speed, time, volume and drug amount directly, easier operation, save doctor and nurse's time
- Advanced technology, based on Linux system, more safe and steady.
- Multi injection modes: Volume mode, Time mode, and body weight mode
- Visible and audible alarms cover all abnormal conditions, and details show on the screen.
Rincian Produk
- 4.3 '' layar segmen LCD besar.
- Dengan backlight, dapat digunakan dalam berbagai kondisi pencahayaan.
- Tampilan waktu.
- Simultan tampilan: Waktu, Battery, Injection Negara, Mode, Kecepatan, Volume Injection dan waktu, Ukuran jarum suntik, suara alarm, Blok, Akurasi, berat badan, obat dosis dan jumlah cairan
- Fungsi remote control, dapat menyesuaikan kecepatan, waktu, volume dan jumlah obat langsung, operasi lebih mudah, menghemat dokter dan perawat waktu
- Teknologi canggih, berdasarkan sistem Linux, lebih aman dan stabil.
- Mode injeksi multi-: modus Volume, modus Time, dan modus berat badan
- Alarm terlihat dan terdengar mencakup semua kondisi abnormal, dan rincian muncul di layar.
Standard Accessories Include
Main Frame Unit
Remote Control
Manual Book
Hubungi : MUHLIS
Mobile : 085104768383
Alamat : Perum Bumi Suko Indah Blok D2-21 Suko Sidoarjo 61244
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